Teacher's Information
Teacher Please Note
It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure all dancers performing in Troupes have their troupe competitors pass. Please be sure to order the correct number, these passes are $15.00 each.
All competitors must have a competitor's pass to compete. Please make parents aware that their solo registration fee is not their Troupe Competitor pass. Solo, Duo/Trio Days is free entry for all competitors and family.
Any Troupe passes that are lost/forgotten, the parent will have to pay an extra of $15.00 at the door for re-issue.
Teachers please have full student names for Troupe Competitors sent by 15th August 2023
Competitor’s Pass
If the competitor is only competing in solos, duo/trios or Improvs, and would like to watch on the Troupe weekends, they can purchase a ticket at the door.